Expoplant - Acquista online: Tamarix gallica -

Il tamerice comune è un grande arbusto o piccolo alberello a foglia caduca, raggiunge i 5 metri di altezza, corteccia scura bruna o rossiccia. Infiorescenze in racemi cilindrici, riuniti in pannocchie, di color rosa, da aprile a giugno. Foglie squamose molto piccole, verde glauco.

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Tamarix gallica
Young plants, trays, cuttings
Il tamerice comune è un grande arbusto o piccolo alberello a foglia caduca, raggiunge i 5 metri di altezza, corteccia scura bruna o rossiccia. Infiorescenze in racemi cilindrici, riuniti in pannocchie, di color rosa, da aprile a giugno. Foglie squamose molto piccole, verde glauco.
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Price list:
From 1 to 4000 pcs.
3,08 € each
Shipping costs:
22,00 € every 40 plants
Processing period: 3 - 10
Shipping metod:Courier
Root container
Plant height
From 50 to 100 cm
Botanical and cultivation features
Original plant of central and southern Europe, in particular of the coastal and Mediterranean areas.
The bearing is arboreal, or more frequently bushy shrubby, with foliage of various forms, always expanded, wide and irregular. It reaches height of 2 - 5 m.
Sinuous and twisted stem plant, generally ramified from the base, with the terminal part of the branches tending to widen and slightly curved downwards (the sapling specimens have a typical sloping umbrella crown). The rind is reddish brown with grayish hues in the older trees.
Semipresistant leaf plant, simple type with squamiform lamina, very reduced (1 - 2 mm), with acute apex and alternately arranged on slender green twigs. The color of the leaves is light green or greyish green.
Tree with very small hermaphroditic flowers, gathered in compact raceme inflorescences of pink or reddish color, with whitish hues and arranged numerous around the young ramules (the full bloom is of considerable decorative effect). The flowers open from May to July depending on the environments and the varieties. The fruits are represented by small pyramidal capsules.
It is a rustic plant, quite indifferent to the substratum, adapting both to sandy and stony soils and to clayey and peaty soils, as long as they are deep and draining. It does not tolerate the active limestone too much. It is a plant suitable for coastal marine coasts, as it tolerates very well salinity and salty winds, as well as prolonged drought and sandy and poor soils of the same areas. It therefore represents the typical example of a colonizing or pioneering plant of marine environments; it is a heliophilous plant and demands sunny positions. It is used both to form hedges or barriers, and as an ornamental plant (also used in continental environments due to the decorative effect of large bushes during flowering).
Place of origin
Europa centromeridionale.
Plant tipology
Trees, Shrubs
Sun, Partial shade
Suth, West, Est
Soil type
Chalk, Sand, Medio impasto
Well drained
Acid, Neutral, Alkaline
USDA Hardiness zone
4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Ultimate height
4-8 m
ultimate spread
4-8 m
Garden type
City & Courtyard Gardens, Architectural, Dry Garden, Formal, Informal garden, Mediterranean garden, Coastal
Woods, Tree line, Mixed shrubs, Green screens, Hedging, Singolo esemplare
Months of interest
May, June, July
Colour in spring
Intense Pink
Colour in summer
Intense Pink
Colour in autumn
Colour in winter
Flower colour
Intense Pink
Leaves colour
Bark colour
Blooming time
May, June, July
Metcalfa pruinosa, Zeuzera pyrina
Wood-decay fungus, Powdery mildew
Advanced research
Common name
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